Well maintained trees are a beautiful and valuable addition to properties. Arborists at For The Love Of Trees recommend regular tree care throughout the life of the tree to promote healthy structure. Poorly maintained trees can pose a hazard to people and property. The severity of a hazard posed by a tree depends both on the likelihood of failure and... Read More
The natural forests of the Pacific Northwest are characterized by several canopy layers—from the towering canopies of Douglas firs; to the under story shrubs including rhododendron and salal; down to ground-covering ferns. In the Portland area’s urban forest, shrubs grow in an astounding variety and can be kept small under the kitchen window or be allowed to grow to be... Read More
Our Portland area is known for its lush urban forest. We gratefully live amongst trees here. Trees and shrubs grow above and around our houses and workplaces. We walk in their shade along sidewalks and on turf. We drive cars and ride bikes under their canopy on the roadways. Caring for urban trees often requires clearance pruning, which removes growth... Read More